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Corporate Selection Purposes

Matching Person to Job: Assist with job profile, competency-based interview guides, reference check templates and psychometric assessments. We also offer services with the on-boarding process of new recruits into your organisation. We can provide reports, advising managers on how to utilise each new employee’s strengths and preferences. As a result, maximising their potential.

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Corporate / Individual Development Purposes

Assessing a person for development purposes whether it is for a promotion or new job role.

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Career Guidance

In the World of Work today there are so many careers to pursue, however, finding the right career that matches each person’s individual needs, personality, interests, abilities and values is the most challenging part. Let us help guide this process by combining my HR experience and psychometric assessment results to find the most suitable career choice.


Subject Choice Assessments

One of the most daunting decisions for any learner is to decide at an early age what subjects would suit the learner best to pursue his/her dream career. Selecting subjects for the FET phase (Grade 10 – 12) typically takes place in the latter part of a learner's Grade 9 academic year. Alternatively, assess a learner in Grade 11 to help make an informed career option decision.

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HR related services

Employee life cycle including setting up/ reviewing job profiles (KPA's; KPI’s); employment contracts; disciplinary codes; onboarding training programmes; development programmes; interviews and references; ad hoc HR advice.

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Psycho-Educational Assessments

Assisting Educational Psychologists with Psycho-educational assessments to identify and support learners with learning barriers.


We have various kinds of assessments that we offer .


Personality questionnaires offer insights into what a person’s typical preferred behaviours, feelings, values and motivations are in the workplace.


Ability tests can provide valuable insight into a candidate’s ability to process information whilst working within a time limit. It has been proven to be one of the best predictors of job performance.

Values and Motives

This questionnaire is used to measure growth and development, and for team building. It measures various constructs related to motivation and work satisfaction. It is especially valuable when used for counselling and coaching, or in vocational guidance with mature clients.


Identifies the highest career interest to narrow down career options.

Situational Judgement Tests (or SJTs)

This type of assessment provides information on how a candidate may likely behave in their role. The assessment provides hypothetical workplace scenarios where candidates are asked to identify the most appropriate response to the given situation.
This is a valuable tool for predicting future job performance. Additionally, the SJTs provides insight into a candidate’s decision-making style and approach, whilst providing the person with a realistic job preview.

Get in touch with us today to learn more about our various services and assessments. 

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